Sunday, November 27, 2011


In my world I have learned that as a Christian, you WILL go through at least one major difficulty in life!  You don't get to choose this challenge, and it is something that you usually don't see coming.  If you carry the name Christian and truly desire to walk with God, please understand that if you have not already, you will face something in this life that you will have no control over and that you can't fix.  I don't say this to trouble or scare you, I say it to be honest.  In todays world of 'church', I am not sure where we got this idea from...but we have been lead to believe that if we say certain things they will automatically come to pass.  Yet scripture tells me that in this life you WILL have trouble!

My trouble has been Lyme Disease, your trouble may be: Cancer, Diabetes, Divorce, A troubled child, etc.  What I love about Jesus though is that right after he tells us that we would have trouble, he tells us to be of good cheer!  In other words, its okay if you experience trouble because I have already overcome the WORLD.  That tells me that everything that happens in this world Jesus has absolute control over because he has overcome the WORLD.  Besides, the reality is that whatever we are going through God is ultimately using it to bring us closer to Him.  At the end of the day, when its all said and done, God wants us to spend forever with him.  I know fully understand what the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians  4:17 "For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!"

In comparison to how much time we will ultimately spend with Jesus, whatever you are going through right now is small.  What helps me and keeps me going in my world, is knowing that just around the corner Jesus is ultimately going to put an end to trouble!  However until then, you have to admit what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!  Now, you are much closer to God than you were before!

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