Monday, February 20, 2012

Jeremy Lin

I couldn't resist the urge to blog about the person who many people are talking about in the sports world...Jeremy Lin.  This guy can shoot, pass, dribble...He does it all!!!  Who would have thought that mid way into the NBA season for this year that we would be talking about this guy?  Last year he couldn't even get on the court.  He averaged just under 3 points a game last year with the Golden State Warriors but this year he is the starting point guard on the New York Knicks and is surpassing everyone's expectations of him.

He graduated from Harvard University, a school not noted for sports but for academics and almost slides his way into the dream of his lifetime...playing in the NBA!!!  With poise, grace, and a winning record he continues to WOW audiences, fans, coaches, and players who almost look forward to what will be the next thing he will surprise them with.

As I think about Jeremy Lin, I can't help but to think of the fact that last year nobody talked about him, but this year people can't stop talking about him!  What excites me about Jeremy Lin, is not his popularity...its his will to keep pushing to be better!  Most of us would be content with just being in the NBA, making a lot of money, and having people call your name.  Many of us would be fine with just having said that we got on the roster of a NBA team; but what I like about Jeremy Lin is that he is not content with staying where he is.

As believers we can NEVER get comfortable with where we are with God!  There is always more bible to ready, always more time that can be spent, always more prayer and communication that can be done...There is always something that we as believers can improve on!  Don't become satisfied with status quo living!  Don't get happy or satisfied with where you are!  Don't be ok with being in the same place this year that you were last year.  There should be something different in your game; improvement in your speed; and what most of us have a problem with...BEING MORE COACHABLE as a believer!

Lets improve!!!  Lets grow!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

RSVP Believers

My apologies for not blogging in a while.  I have been investing most of my time trying to finish my book, and last week I actually finished so thank you for those who have been praying for my completion!

Before I begin today's blog, I want to place a disclaimer and say that this blog is specifically directed towards believers.  Its directed toward people who profess to believe in Jesus Christ and desire His presence in their lives.

That being said I wanted to reflect on some events that have happened in recent history.  This past weekend people all over the world started mourning the loss of an African-American and music icon: Whitley Houston.  With shock people took in the news on this past Saturday night, as reports were spread throughout the news, social media networks, text messages, and phone calls about her passing.  As you can remember, it was similar to what happened when another African-American and pop icon, Michael Jackson died.  Please, don't misunderstand me, I am not in any way minimizing their deaths.  Anytime ANYONE dies its another sign of how much of a punk the devil really is!

However this blog is directed toward believers, and I must say that I am a bit confused...While I was shocked to hear the news of the passing Whitney Houston as well; I was also a bit shocked at the response of most believers.  People were crying and giving commentary about how much she would be missed.  Believers, Followers of Jesus were, it appeared so overcome with every conceivable emotion.  As I stated before, I am not minimizing or disregarding her death at all, but this is directed toward believers: Why is it that we as believers can get more emotional about people who we don't personally know and yet we seldom get excited, emotional, or enthusiastic about Jesus who we claim to love so much!

Maybe thats why the world has rejected Jesus so much, His representatives are so poor!  Please understand that God's will is always accomplished, however aren't we oftentimes such poor representatives for him?!  We, as believers, will shout, scream, cry over celebrities that we've never met.  We will run around, cheer, and wear clothing, representing our favorite sports teams....AND yet  it seems that Christ seldom gets glory from our lives.

Many of us waiting up on Sunday night to watch the Grammy Award Show, a show that many of us haven't watched in years.  We waiting up and sat on the edge of our seats to see how they would pay tribute to our beloved Whitney Houston.   We went to sleep extremely disappointed as the tribute was, to us, not a good representative of her lifetime accomplishments.  We then, as believers, were upset at the seemingly demonic performance by Nikki Minaj.  We sat there saying to ourselves, what in the world is this?!?  But why wouldn't secular programs have a secular influence?  We shouldn't get mad at her.  My anger is with myself that my Holy Ghost influence isn't at most times as influential as her demonic one was.  When is the last time that people talked for weeks about the performance of God in your life!  Will the real believers please stand up...RSVP!