Tuesday, August 21, 2012

He's Got It

I have learned a difficult, but wonderful reality in my world: God has everything under control!!!  My battle with Lyme Disease has made me realize that there are certain things that we have absolutely no control over!  We spend so much time trying to fix, change, and adjust things in our lives that we can't. We were not given power to change time, to go back in time, to fix choices that we have made...etc.

I used to spend so much time and energy thinking to myself:  If I only was, If this didn't happen then, Once I get here then...but those thoughts only seemed to make things worse for me?  Doesn't it do the same for you?  In my world I am resting in the fact now that regardless of what a face, see, and deal with in life....God has everything under control!  He really does!!!  I know it seems at certain points and time that the enemy is stronger than God and that your life just feels like a huge mess.  You may be dealing with something right now that isn't as favorable and doesn't seem to be working to your advantage.  What I rest in is the fact that the word of God teaches me that He has got everything together.  The reality is that you can't fix it; if you could, you would have done it long time ago right?  So why not trust the Person who is in control of everything?

Despite my bad days and regardless of my rough days, all I have, at the end of the day is a GOD who knows it all, has power over all, and who loves me through it all....

Monday, August 6, 2012


I'll be honest...I have been reading a particular scripture text for years and I just realized something about that text in my world.  The bible says in James 4:7 "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."  Maybe I'm slow (as I say often), or possibly wasn't paying attention to this text as much as I should.

James says when we resist the devil he WILL flee from us!!!  Do you realize how powerful this is!?!?!?   Right before this James first tells us to submit to God...How hard is this?  Real hard if you enjoy your independence.  Killing self will possibly be the toughest challenge you will ever have to face.  I'll be honest enough to tell you that in my world always saying: "Yes Lord" is something that I don't always love to do.  However James tells us that if we are going to cause the devil to literally leave us, the FIRST thing we have to do is SUBMIT to God.  If you have strong problems submitting to God, you will always have the misfortune of the devil hanging around...

Do you ever want to make the devil leave you?  Then you must resist him.  To resist something means to ignore, to push away, to leave alone.  This tells me that many of us invite the devil.  He doesn't leave us because he is invited in one way or another in our company.  Maybe by what we watch, possibly by the people we hang out with, or the places that we go...
We question or may ask: Why doesn't the devil leave me alone, why don't I feel guilty about disobedience to God?  How come I'm not the person I should be in Christ?  I have been frustrated sometimes with myself because of continued disobedience to God, haven't you? But God spoke to me this past week and let me know that the reason my struggle oftentimes with the devil is so real is because I NEVER resist him; instead I invite him...SMH!!!

Anyone want power to resist the devil today, so that he will run from you?  If we want this power, then we must submit to God.  Ask him for the power of being obedient.  If we are obedient to God, we will always cause the enemy to run!