Monday, April 23, 2012

The weight of waiting

Some year ago I had a personal trainer that I went to three times a week.  It was something that I somewhat enjoyed and yet there was so much pain involved.  Anyone that works out and lifts weights knows that there are days you don't want to go to the gym.  There are times when you trainer (if you have one) gets on your nerves that may cause you to say some words to them that are not found in the bible.

Its difficult at times to lift weights and keep pushing the weights off of your chest, legs or back in order to get desired results.  As I reflect on my grueling experience of having a personal trainer and lifting weights, I can't help but to also think about how waiting can feel like a weight!  Have you EVER had to wait on God????  Anyone who says that its easy to wait on God has either never waited on God...or is lying!  The bible tells us that the secret things belong to God.  Which means that you and I could think of 1000 different reasons why we are waiting and ALL of them could be wrong!  Is God trying to build your character?  Are you waiting because you are not ready to receive what he has for you?  Do you have to wait because of disobedience?

I do know that God is a God of timing.  As much as it sometimes may feel like it, I do not believe that God enjoys watching his children suffer.  I just don't believe that God sits in heaven laughing while you and I struggle through waiting for our jobs, our homes, our relationships, and our healing.  In fact there are many of you that are going to read this blog and while you are reading it you WILL be thinking of what you specifically are waiting on.

As one who has waited on God before, can I suggest to you some things that help, while you wait, so that it doesn't seem as much of a weight?

1. DO NOT hang around negative people! I truly believe that what you spend the most time around you end up emulating
2. Find bible texts that encourage you.  I great one is: Isaiah 40:28-31.  Go ahead and read that RIGHT NOW!  I know you could do other things to seemingly help you through the pressing weight.  I just know from my experience that reading the text really does help!
3. This one is real difficult: Go and be a blessing to someone. Get the focus off of yourself and go and be a blessing in the life of someone else.  Our blessing often comes in blessing someone else!
4. Exercise.  I know what your saying. I'm already sweating from waiting on God!!!  I don't feel like exerting more energy!  I have found, and others have told me as well, that exercising helps your positive attitude
5.  Lastly, while you are waiting: DON'T stop worshipping God.  When things get bad, you tend to walk away from the only person who can really help us: God!  I am not saying this is easy, because we feel like why should we sing, why should we pray, why should we fellowship with other believers when we feel that God hasn't done anything for us.  Well I hate to disrupt your thinking, but He has already done something.  You think its really bad?  It could be A LOT worse (His mercy and grace is whats keeping it from really going out of control).  Draw closer to God while you wait.

There are definitely more things a person could do while they wait, but I wanted to pass on these key things that I believe are essential and helpful!  Be blessed!


  1. Praise the Lord for a good Word Pr. I've been waiting on a few things myself. I got some good news relating to one last Sabbath! I heard you got a request for baptism.
    Interestingly enough, that same Sabbath I spoke for a Women's Day service and my title was "It's Already Done!"

  2. WOW are you serious?!?!? Yes I was actually going to contact you this week! Per your studies with him, do you feel like there is anything else that may need to be covered with him now? We do have a new believers class that meets regularly now so...
