Monday, February 18, 2013


Trust is such an important factor in life.  It affects every single aspect of our life.  For those employed, there is a level of trust with your employer and co-workers.  For those married, there is a high level of trust with your spouse.  Those with friends, have expectations that our friends will help us and not harm us.  If you have a sibling, you trust that your sibling has your back no matter what happens in life.  I have learned in my world though, that trust often takes years to develop BUT takes seconds to destroy. We spend years of invested interest in people and yet, one experience can damage everything.

We have all been hurt before, and possibly more than once by people who we thought we had an indescribable amount of trust in.  I used to ask myself questions like:  Why did they hurt me so much?  Did they ever love me and appreciate me since the hurt was so devastating?  Why does it seem like my life is on hold for as long as the pain lasts?  I kept asking myself these and questions like these until God revealed to me that "Even though its okay for you to trust people, love people, and have relationships with people; you are expecting from them what they were not designed to give you.  What do you mean Lord? "You expect them to be your savior and they were only designed to be a significant part of your life...the faith you have in them is only supposed to go to me."

I thought about what God shared with me and thought that it was such a hard word considering that the hurt was so deep.  But maybe the hurt was so deep because I allowed it to get there by investing what should have gone to God, to them.  My prayer is that I can start investing my faith in the right person...God!  I hope what I have learned in my world has helped you a little bit...Peace!

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