I couldn't resist the urge to blog about the person who many people are talking about in the sports world...Jeremy Lin. This guy can shoot, pass, dribble...He does it all!!! Who would have thought that mid way into the NBA season for this year that we would be talking about this guy? Last year he couldn't even get on the court. He averaged just under 3 points a game last year with the Golden State Warriors but this year he is the starting point guard on the New York Knicks and is surpassing everyone's expectations of him.
He graduated from Harvard University, a school not noted for sports but for academics and almost slides his way into the dream of his lifetime...playing in the NBA!!! With poise, grace, and a winning record he continues to WOW audiences, fans, coaches, and players who almost look forward to what will be the next thing he will surprise them with.
As I think about Jeremy Lin, I can't help but to think of the fact that last year nobody talked about him, but this year people can't stop talking about him! What excites me about Jeremy Lin, is not his popularity...its his will to keep pushing to be better! Most of us would be content with just being in the NBA, making a lot of money, and having people call your name. Many of us would be fine with just having said that we got on the roster of a NBA team; but what I like about Jeremy Lin is that he is not content with staying where he is.
As believers we can NEVER get comfortable with where we are with God! There is always more bible to ready, always more time that can be spent, always more prayer and communication that can be done...There is always something that we as believers can improve on! Don't become satisfied with status quo living! Don't get happy or satisfied with where you are! Don't be ok with being in the same place this year that you were last year. There should be something different in your game; improvement in your speed; and what most of us have a problem with...BEING MORE COACHABLE as a believer!
Lets improve!!! Lets grow!!!
Yessir! I love the being "coachable" reference. Too often, we think we've got it, on our own. We have definitely lost the perspective of being "coached" spiritually by our leaders. Gotta get back to following Godly counsel.