I have learned in my world that EVERYONE goes through low moments of despair. Sometimes there are things we go through that we would have never dreamed that we would experience. For some of you, our lives have been so difficult that they would pay you to make a movie out of your life story. It doesn't matter who we are or where we were born; anyone who is alive has gone through at least one thing that causes you to question things, cry much, or drop to your knees in prayer.
As I've talked about in earlier blogs, one of the things that really helps in our moments of despair is when we surround ourselves with people who we know have encouraging spirits. There are far too many of us who actually begin enjoying our moments of despair and will invite thousands of people to our pity party because we don't have people in our lives who encourage us. One of the things that has been rather difficult for me when I was at my lowest points of health was hearing people who really knew how to encourage me. There are times when we definitely have to do like David and encourage ourselves in the Lord; but there are other times when we find ourselves in a garden of gethsemane and look for people who can just pray for one hour!
I encourage anyone who is reading this blog right now to make sure that you have in your life right now at least ONE person who will do the following:
1. Who will NOT co-sign on your mess. Don't crowd yourself around people who keep you where you are. Stay away from people who tell you that its okay to stay stuck on stupid and parked on crazy.
2. Who will be honest with you about who you are. Don't accept people's lies about yourself. Don't tell me stuff that will allow me to stay beneath my potential
3. Who love you unconditionally. Oftentimes relationships are based on ifs. Some of the people in your life are only there because of something, and if that something wasn't there neither would they be.
4. Who know how to encourage you. We all hit low moments and need people to speak peace and a Word from God into our lives
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