After seeing the doctor he talked to my wife and place me on a plan to get me back where I needed to be. I didn't know at the time, but he later told me that I was probably the worst case that he had seen. He gave my wife instructions as to what I desperately needed to do to get on track. The first thing that I had to do was to get a pic-line. They insert this sometimes into pregnant women, and often with cancer patients to get medicine in them quickly or if they are not able to take medicine orally. I also had to take other medicines that would help deal with the Lyme disease as well as other infections that I had gotten from the tick bite. We had though, so many questions when going to see the specialist! Why wasn't the current medication I was taking working? Why were some doctors telling me that I didn't have Lyme, even though I was testing positive for it and even telling me that I may have other things that I wasn't even testing positive for? Was I going to recover?!?!?
We later learned that a lot of professionals within the medical community (no disrespect to anyone who works in the medical field), don't know much about Lyme disease. If you contract Lyme and are not seen by a Lyme literate doctor chances are that you may not get the best help. Sure, if you get bit, find out and are seen by a doctor a simple round of Amoxicillin or even Doxycycline will be fine. However if you are like me, who didn't know that I had gotten bit nor did I get the "bull's eye rash", which some say is the absolute sign that you were bit, things may get worse. Lyme has three stages. I was receiving medicine as if I was at the first stage, but I was already at stage three so the oral medicine that they were giving me was not doing anything. For many reasons (For much more information please check out the movie: Under Our Skin, which is a very informational movie on Lyme) some doctors do not think that Lyme is an actual disease, and because some will not be honest enough to say they don't know about Lyme they will tell you that you have something else. To their credit however: You may have Lyme and not test positive for it; because Lyme has cycles you may get tested in a cycle where the Lyme is not dominate, therefore would test negative! Lyme is also called: The Great Imitator. It mimics other diseases such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis; AND if not treated properly can lead to other, much serious diseases. That being said, by body was like a time bomb waiting to explode. Even though I felt like and at times even wanted to die...from a medicinal standpoint, the truth is that my body was shutting down.
The Lyme infection or 'spirochetes' as they are called, can infect ANYTHING in your body! They can move into any organ. That what was happening when I got rushed to the doctor as well as cardiologist. They infection had moved to my heart and to my brain as well!!! If you need a reason to thank God today, go ahead and borrow my experience and thank Him for sustaining my life!
When leaving the Lyme specialist office, I was still in bad shape, but grateful with all of this new found information! Now more than ever I understand in a very fundamental way that knowledge really is power! With that being said: How much do you Really know about God? I mean, really? I am not referring to what someone told you or even what your denomination has informed you about Him. What do you personally know about who God is, what He has said (AND is saying), and what He can do? It's interesting to me when I talk to Christians and listen to them talk about their experiences. Not unbelievers, BUT Christians!!! I am left leaving the conversation saying that they must not know too much about God, but they love to carry the name Christian; because once you KNOW God there are certain things that give you confidence.
Yes, you are sick; But HE said that by His stripes you are healed! I understand that you are broke, but He said that He will supply ALL of your needs! You are definitely stressed out, but He said that He WILL keep you in PERFECT PEACE!!! Can I suggest to you its possible we don't know as much about God as we think? I'm not talking about deep theological questions of scripture. I am really referring to stuff like: He loves You! You were created for His purpose! He is able to KEEP you from falling!!!
Get to KNOW HIM today, because knowledge really is Power!
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