Thursday, January 24, 2013


Its been so long since I posted so I felt compelled to say something before the week finished.  I have been learning something about prayer on my journey toward learning more about Jesus.  In my world I often time take so much time praying for people, or praying that God will bless this or do that.  If you're like me you often find yourself praying about so many different situations that you need God to attend to, to fix and to change.

God can you bless my wife?  God can you fix my finances?  Would you please touch my child from staying stuck on stupid?  We pray for so many things and so many people a sundry of situations that we desperately wants Gods help in.  One day I realized while in prayer that I was so busy praying for so many other things that I forgot something important to pray for....ME!!!

If God doesn't change anything else, at least he will change my perspective toward what going on!  In my world, I learned that Gods desire is to change ME, but desire is more on Him changing the things around me.  If God is in fact all powerful than what is around me isn't really huge concern; the greater problem is me and if I am willing to be changed by the power and mercy of God.  So can I encourage you to find, as I have, a new perspective on prayer, and that is on focusing on God changing you!